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Navfarm farm
Feb 07, 2022
In General Discussions
Dairying in India has traditionally been the preserve of landless agricultural labourers and small and marginal farmers, who have maintained very small herd sizes. However, of late, with increasing consumer awareness regarding milk quality, there has been a marked increase in the number of large, well-organized dairy farms which cater to predominantly urban markets. Terms like clean milk production, organic milk, microbial load of milk etc. are being used more frequently while referring to milk quality. Larger, intensive dairy farms not only profit from the economies of scale by way of optimum utilization of land, labour and resources, but also benefit from the fact that it is easier and cost-effective to implement more efficient technologies like machine milking, manufacture of by-products, chilling, packaging, bulk transport etc. Further, most of these farms are able to purchase premium Dairy farm management software » price for their products on account of high quality and brand identity, thus leading to greater profitability.
Navfarm farm
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