In order to maintain transparency, SEBI registers investment advisors with an agreement on investment advisory services. SEBI does not specify the format of the agreement, but the terms, policies, and conditions will be determined. Before you conclude with an investment advisor, check the SEBI registration details and confirm the investment advisor on his website. The SEBI Investment Advisor Regulations, 2013 regulates investment advisors in India. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has amended the Rules for Registered Investment Advisers (RIA) from time to time to enhance investor confidence and transparency in investment advice. The regulator prescribes registration conditions, qualifications, eligibility criteria, fees charged to customers, agreements with customers and the provision of services. In order to protect the interests of investors, the capital markets regulator (SEBI) has introduced the SEBI-RIA rules. Under these rules, anyone can work as an investment adviser. If you become a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), you will receive no compensation
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Investment Account Features
Before opening an investment account, you should consider whether or not this type of financial service is best for your risk/return. Furthermore, liquidity preferences embody your goal. Investment accounts are usually maintained with long-term goals. Traditionally, the long term is considered to be 7 years or more, but this number should not be the primary determinant when deciding whether or not to open an investment account. This banking service is often used when there is a specific event in your life that requires a higher income, such as a wedding. For example, if you are sending your child to college, buying a house, or approaching retirement.
Since one of the most important determinants of the investment account is its long-term nature, you should be ready to face another attribute of it - liquidity. Any financial instrument has less liquidity compared to cash in your checking or savings account. Additionally, this type of deposit usually comes with higher transaction costs should you wish to access the cash earlier than a certain time specified in the agreement between you and the financial institution.